Trademark Class 41: Education and Entertainment
A quick guide on Trademark Class 41 of Trademark Classification. Trademark applications is filed under a particular classes. We choose trademark classes based on nature of goods and services for which TM application is being filed.
Trademark Class 41
Education, providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.
Trademark Class 41 covers mainly services rendered by persons or institutions to educate persons or train animals, as well as services intended to entertain. This class includes, in particular:
- Services consisting of all forms of education of persons or training of animals;
- Services having the basic aim of entertainment, amusement or recreation of people;
- Presentation of works of visual art or literature to the public for cultural or educational purposes.
This post will guide you with the comprehensive list of services covered under trademark class 41.Choose Class 41 if you are planning to register a trademark for education, training, and sports and entertainment services.
Comprehensive list of services classified under Trademark Class 41
Following are the comprehensive list of services covered under trademark class 41: