OPC Registration

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One Person Company Registration

One Person Company Registration

Register your one-person company in India. Registration of OPCs is hassle-free online. You can register your OPC in just seven working days.

OPC Registration starting from Rs.10999/*- All Inclusive

*The above fee excludes govt. state stamp duty fee. Stamp duty Extra actual.

Package: Digital Signature, DIN, Name Approval, MOA, AOA, Incorporation Certificate, PAN & TAN.

    What is One Person Company?

    The concept of One Person Company (OPC) is introduced by the Companies Act, 2013. A One Person Company (OPC) is a type of business entity introduced in India to support entrepreneurs who are capable of starting and running a business on their own. OPC allows a single person to operate a corporate entity with limited liability.

    OPC allows a single individual to start a company without the need for any other shareholder.

    Every OPC has to mandatorily nominate a nominee Director in the MOA or AOA who will become the owner of the OPC in case the promoter Director is disabled.

    An OPC must be converted into a Private Limited Company if it crosses an annual turnover of Rs.2 crores and must file audited financial statements with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) at the end of each Financial Year.

    Advantages of One Person Company

    Benefits of Registering an OPC or One Person Company in India.

    Separate Legal Entity

    OPC is considered a separate legal entity from its owner. It can enter into contracts, acquire assets, incur liabilities, and sue or be sued in its own name.

    Perpetual Succession

    OPC has a continuous existence beyond life of promoters

    Less Compliances

    OPC form of company is very easy to manage. Only a few filings are to be made with ROC and they are exempted from conducted Annual General Meeting. The Board Meetings can be conducted every six months.

    Limited Liability

    The Directors or Shareholders of the company have no personal liabilities.

    How to Register a One Person Company?

    Procedure to Register an OPC or One Person Company in India.

    OPC Registration Procedure in India is very simple. After the introduction of INC-32 (SPICe form) by MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs), registration process became more simple and faster. 

    OPC Registration Process using recently introduced INC-32 Form.

    DSC Application

    1 working days

    Name Approval (RUN)

    3-4 working days

    SPICe (INC-32) Preparation & Filing

    2-3 working days after Name approval

    OPC Incorporation

    If the proposed name is acceptable, MCA will issue incorporation. Else, resubmission with new name may be required.

    Questions? Call us at +91 88512 22731

    Documents Required for OPC Registration

    Following are the list of documents required for One Person Company Registration.

    To be Submitted by Director & Nominee

    • Copy of PAN Card or Passport in case Foreign Nationals & NRIs
    • Copy of Voter's ID/Passport/Driver's License
    • Copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill/Gas Bill
    • Passport-sized photograph
    • Specimen signature of Director (blank document with signature)

    To be Submitted for Registered Office Address

    • Copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill
    • Copy of Notarized Rent Agreement in English (In case of rented Property)
    • Copy of No-objection Certificate (NOC) from property owner
    • Copy of Sale Deed/Property Deed in English (In case of owned property)

    Note: Registered office need not be a commercial property, it can be a residential property, too.

    FAQ - One Person Company

    Frequently Asked Questions on OPC Registration

    1. How much time is needed for OPC Registration?

    With the Newly Introduced SPICe form, the total time to register an OPC (One Person Company) is reduced to 5-7 working days.

    2. Can an OPC converted into a Private Limited Company?

    Yes, a One Person Company converts itself into a Private Limited Company as following

    Voluntary conversion

    When an OPC gets incorporated, it cannot convert itself to a Private or Public company for a period of not less than two years from the date of incorporation. This means if you want to get converted voluntarily you have to wait for two years to over

    Compulsory Conversion

    When an OPC has a paid-up capital more or equal to Rs. 50 lakhs or, the Annual turnover for the relevant financial year exceeds Rs. 2 crores, then in such conditions, the company has to compulsorily convert itself into a Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company.

    3. Is an office required to register a company?

    An address in India where the registered office of the One Person Company will be situated is required. The premises can be a commercial / industrial / residential where communication from the MCA will be received.


    4. Need for a Nominee?

    A nominee is a next of kin for an OPC. A nominee becomes the shareholder in case of death/incapacity of the original shareholder. A nominee has to be a resident Indian citizen over 18 years of age.

    5. Can a Salaried person become the director of an OPC?

    Yes, a salaried person can become the director in an OPC, there is no legal bondage in this but you have to check your employment agreement if it contains any restrictions on doing so.

    6. I am residing in a place where you don’t have an office, what to do?

    Incorporation process is online. In case we don’t have a physical office in your city, you can email/upload us the required documents or send us through courier.


    Advantages of Choosing BIZINDIGO

    Fast & Reliable Services

    100% online, hassle-free process

    Transparent Professional Fees

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    Expert & Qualified Team

    Team of Qualified CA, CS & Lawyers

    One Stop Junction

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    24 X 7 Support Services

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