Proprietorship Registration

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Proprietorship Registration

Sole Proprietorship Registration

Register your proprietorship firm online in just 4 days*. Sole Proprietorship is the most popular form of business owned and managed by a single owner. Easy to start and maintain. Least compliance cost.

Suitable for - Small Traders | Freelancers | YouTubers | Bloggers.


proprietorship registration online

    What is Sole Proprietorship?

    A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business in India. It is the most common and popular form of business, suitable for small traders and merchants.

    An individual proprietor owns and manages the business and is responsible for all business transactions.

    Legal Status

    The sole proprietorship firm does not create a legal entity separate from its proprietor or owner. It simply refers to a person who owns & manages the business and is personally responsible for all business transactions. A sole proprietorship can operate under the name of its owner/proprietor or it can do business under a separate Trade name.

    Proprietorship registration online

    Proprietorship is recognized by other registrations, such as GST registration, and MSME Registration.  It has many disadvantages, such as no separate legal entity, personal liability of proprietor and not having perpetual existence, difficulty in obtaining Business Loans, No ability to get personnel help in return for an equity stake, etc.,

    Proprietorship Registration Plan

    Our Proprietorship registration includes GST, Udyam, ISO, and Trademark registration depending on the plan you choose.


    Rs.3999* /-

    Package Includes

    • Firm Name
    • GST Registration
    • Udyam Registration
    • Tax Invoice Template
    • HSN/SAC Code Master list
    • GST Rate List


    Rs.5999* /-

    Package Includes

    • Firm Name
    • GST Registration
    • Udyam Registration
    • ISO 9001 Registration
    • Tax Invoice Template
    • HSN/SAC Code Master list
    • GST Rate List


    Rs.11999* /-

    Package Includes

    • Firm Name
    • GST Registration
    • Udyam Registration
    • ISO 9001 Registration
    • Trademark Filing
    • Tax Invoice Template
    • HSN/SAC Code Master list
    • GST Rate List

    Advantages of Proprietorship Firm Registration


    Proprietorship is the most popular form of business due to its simplicity, ease of registration, minimum compliance, and nominal maintenance cost.

    • Very easy to form/start
    • Nominal Cost of formation & Compliance
    • Minimum Statutory Compliance
    • Owned and managed by a single person.
    • Can be operated under its proprietor (owner) name or under a separate Trade name
    • Just need PAN card, identity and address proof of proprietor to start

    Documents required for Proprietorship Registration

    PAN and Aadhaar card of the proprietor is the mandatory documents to register a proprietor business in India now. These are the list of documents required for registration of a proprietorship firm:

    • PAN card of the proprietor
    • Copy of Aadhaar
    • Bank Statement (Personal), if any
    • Utility bill copy (any one - Electricity, Telephone, Property Tax Receipt (For business place proof)
    • Valid email id and mobile number (otp needed)
    • Latest passport size color Photo

    Documents required for Opening a bank current account

    As per RBI mandate, these are the list of documents requited to open a bank account (current) for a Proprietorship. Proprietor must provide any of the following two forms of registration:


    • Utility Bills (Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill)
    • GST Registration Certificate,
    • Shop & Establishment Act registration,
    • Professional license (if any),
    • CA's certificate or
    • MSME Registration,
    • Others as provided in the RBI KYC norms