Trademark Class 44: Medical, Veterinary, Beauty Care Services

Trademark class 44-Medical & Beauty care services

Trademark Class 44 is a very interesting class, as it mostly covers services that increase the health and beauty of people, plants, and animals. This class is for services, not the production of goods.

Remember that this class is for services, not the production of goods. So, while dog grooming would fall under this class, dog shampoo would not.

A comprehensive guide on Trademark class 44. In this article, we discuss the Class 44 of Trademark NICE classification which deals with:

  • the medical and healthcare services,
  • agricultural services including horticulture,
  • aqua and the forestry services;
  • hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals.

Trademark class 44:

Trademark class 44 mainly covers medical and beauty care services for human beings or animals. It includes medical services, pharmaceutical services, services of mental health; services relating to the fields of agriculture, horticulture, and forestry.

Trademark class 44

What are the services Classified under Class 44?

We can list down key services covered under TM Class 44 includes::

  • Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons (for example x-ray examinations and taking of blood samples)
  • artificial insemination services
  • animal breeding
  • pharmacy advice
  • dentistry
  • gardening: services relating to the growing of plants such as gardening
  • Pest control that protects plants
  • services relating to floral art, such as floral compositions as well as garden design.

What are the services NOT Classified under Class 44?

The following services should NOT be classified under Class 44:

  • Vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, horticulture, and forestry);
  • Installation and repair services for irrigation systems;
  • Ambulance transport;
  • Timber felling and processing;
  • Animal slaughtering services and taxidermy;
  • Animal training services;
  • Boarding for animals;
  • Health clubs for physical exercise;
  • Scientific research services for medical purposes;
  • Retirement homes.

Therefore, choose trademark class 44 if you are planning to register your trademark for medical, agricultural, hygienic, and beauty care services.

List of Services Classified Under Class 44

Following is the list of services that are classified under trademark class 44:-

Consult a Trademark Expert

Trademark Class 44 protects businesses that perform services based on healthcare, hygiene and beauty, and specific agricultural needs.

If you have more questions about Class 44 or your trademark application, feel free contact to contact us.

BIZINDIGO provides the expert guidance required to register and maintain your intellectual property assets like brand name, logo, designs, etc. We can help you in filing your trademark registration. 

We can also help you with trademark renewal, trademark objection, or trademark opposition.

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