Trademark Class 29-Dairy, Meat, Fish, Processed & Preserved Foods
Trademark Class 29 is one of the 45 broad classes of the Nice classification, globally known for containing meat products and various processed & preserved food items.
Select trademark class 29 if you are planning to register your trademark for milk or dairy products, meats, fruits, and oils. Choose the correct trademark class before filing a trademark application.
Trademark Class 29:
Trademark class 29 mainly covers meats, jams, poultry, oils, fish, milk, eggs, cooked fruits, and vegetables. It mainly includes vegetables and other horticulture edible products which are prepared for consumption.
Please note that the following goods must not be classified under Class 29:
- Certain foodstuffs of plant origin;
- Live animals.
- Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical use;
- Baby food;
- Dietary supplements;
- Salad dressings;
- Fertilized eggs for hatching;
- Foodstuffs for animals;

Comprehensive list of products classified under Trademark Class 29:
Following is the list of services covered under trademark class 29:
Thus, in short, Class 29 covers the following broad categories of food substances and products:
- Diverse Dairy Products
- Various Edible Oils and Fats
- Fish, Fish Spreads, and Preparations using Fish
- Poultry and Poultry Products
- Seafood Items
- Birds, Eggs, and Egg Products
- Fruits and Vegetable, which are Dried and Preserved, Cooked or Processed
- Jams, Fruit Sauces, Jellies, and Compotes
- Prepared or Packed Meals, Snacks, Desserts, and Soups
- And, various other processed food items, and meat and fish products.
- Thus, it covers a range of products pertaining to foodstuffs of animal origin, vegetables, and edible products.
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BIZINDIGO provides the expert services required to register and maintain your intellectual property assets like brand names, logos, designs, etc. We can help you in filing trademark registration, trademark renewal, objection, or filing opposition.