Partnership Firm Registration in Ghaziabad

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Partnership Firm Registration in Ghaziabad

The best form of business to start with. Easy to maintain. Less compliance. Register your partnership firm in Ghaziabad, Sahibabad in fast-track mode. Package Start from 3999/*- INR​


Partnership Deed | PAN | TAN | MSME Certificate |

Additional Services: GST Registration | GST Return | Trademark Registration | TDS Return | ISO Certification


Online Partnership Firm Registration

Online Partnership firm registration in India. Register your partnership business in Ghaziabad, Sahibabad UP in fast track mode. Partnership Firm is the most popular forms of business entity in India for the Partnership business. It requires only two (2) person to Start a Business.

These are the following important documents under partnership firm registration –

  1. Partnership Deed (on Stamp Paper notarized by a Notary)
  2. PAN card of the Partnership
  3. TAN of the Partnership
  4. Udyam Registration (MSME Certificate)
  5. GST Registration (if required by business)
  6. ISO Registration (if required)
  7. Trademark / Brand Registration (if needed)
  8. Import Export Code (if planning to import or export)

What is Partnership Firm in India?

A partnership firm is a type of business form in India where two or more people come together to carry out a business with the aim of earning profits. The partners share the profits and losses of the business as per the agreed-upon ratio in the Partnership Deed.

Partnership Deed is a written agreement between the partners that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership.

In a partnership firm, each partner is jointly and severally liable for the debts and obligations of the firm, which means that each partner is responsible for the full amount of any debt or obligation of the firm, not just their share. However, the partners also share the profits of the business, which makes it an attractive option for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to start a business with a relatively low investment and share the risks and rewards with other partners.

A partnership firm is not considered a separate legal entity from its partners, unlike a company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), which means that the partners are personally responsible for the liabilities of the partnership firm.

Partnership Firm Registration Plan


Rs.2999* /

Package Includes

  • Partnership Deed
  • Firm PAN
  • Tax Invoice Template
  • GST Rate List


Rs.3999* /

Package Includes

  • Partnership Deed
  • Firm PAN
  • GST or TAN Registration
  • Tax Invoice Template
  • GST Rate List


Rs.4999* /

Package Includes

  • Partnership Deed
  • Firm PAN
  • GST Registration
  • MSME Certificate
  • Tax Invoice Template
  • GST Rate List


Rs.10999* /

Package Includes

  • Partnership Deed
  • Firm PAN
  • GST Registration
  • MSME Certificate
  • Trademark Filing
  • Tax Invoice Template
  • GST Rate List

*Stamp paper & notary charges will be extra in addition to the above fee

* GST@18% will be charged on tax invoice

Our Partnership Firm Registration Include

Guidance for Partnership Business

Free Consultancy and guidance on Partnership Business formation.

Partnership Deed

Drafting of Partnership deed (comprehensive and customized) in detail.

PAN Appliaction

Partnership firm PAN card application.

TAN Application

Partnership firm TAN (Tax Deduction Identification Number) application online.

Firm GST Registration

Application for Firm GST Registration Number (GSTIN).

Partnership Deed Registration

Partnership Deed Registration with the Authority if required. Additional fees applicable for this.

Firm Bank Account

Current Bank Account Opening Support for Partnership firm.

Partnership Compliance*

Post registration Partnership compliance such as GST, TDS, accounting & ITR filing. Compliance fee applicable.


Advantages of Choosing BIZINDIGO

Fast & Reliable Services

100% online, hassle-free process

Transparent Professional Fees

No Hidden charges. All inclusive fees.

Expert & Qualified Team

Team of Qualified CA, CS & Lawyers

One Stop Junction

All legal services under one roof

24 X 7 Support Services

On Call, Email, Chat &WhatsApp

PAN India Services

20+ Cities presence across india

Submit Your Firm Registration request here: